Article - HRD

HRD is the coordinating body and official representative of the diamond sector. It’s an official organization, recognized internationally and acting as host, spokesperson and intermediary for the Belgian diamond community. HRD is the Belgian diamond sector’s official liaison with governments, and actively promotes support for the diamond sector home and abroad.

HRD Certificates

Every diamond is unique, fashioned by nature and perfected by human ingenuity and craftsmanship. The HRD Certificates Department issues quality reports for loose, polished diamonds, describing the personality of your stone based on scientific grounds and according to international standards.

An HRD Diamond Certificate guarantees that the stone examined is indeed a real diamond, and contains a full and detailed quality description, focussing on the famous 4 Cs: Carat (weight), Colour, Clarity and Cut. In addition to the HRD Diamond Certificate, for stones up to 0.99 ct a compact Diamond Identification Report is also available.Optional services include sealing and laser inscription.

The HRD Certificates department is officially accredited for the quality examination of polished diamonds according to ISO 17025, a demanding international standard for laboratories. Stones are examined anonymously in the sense that graders can not know the identity of the owner. Extensive and continuous in-house training coupled to high-tech equipment ensure the highest level of expertise and reproducibility.


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